This is the type of movie that I would have never expected to see, but, at the insistence of my better half, I played the "good husband" and went along for the ride. Surprisingly enough, I totally enjoyed this film. For those who don't already know, the film chronicles the inner workings of Vogue magazine, that iconic fashion bible, and the making of it's September, or showcase, issue. Coming from someone whose interest and knowledge of fashion begins with Old, and ends with Navy, I was as surprised as anyone that what I thought would be an endurance test, turned out to be quite an enjoyable hour and a half. Anna Wintour, Vogue's iconic editor is ostensibly the star of the film, but it's Grace Coddington, Vogue's creative director, who's actually the most engrossing character profiled. Grace has an interesting back story, which I won't give away: which makes her quite a sympathetic character. Not that Ms. Wintour is shown in a bad light, on the contrary, she is shown as being fair-minded, and willing to delegate, but make no mistake about it: she always gets her way. The conflict between between Anna and Grace is a major story line throughout, and makes for some excellent drama. If you love fashion this film is a must see. If not, well you just might be pleasantly surprised.
Rating - 3 Stars
Liam Lives on in a Different Way
1 month ago
Oh, glad the wife won. Had read about this movie and the relationship between the two women. Certainly sounds interesting.
I saw it today at the Malverne. Love that place. I am forever young there.
This movie had so much to love NYC, Paris, designers, clothes, photo shoots, relationships, especially between the two women. A successful partnership of very different personalities. And all the women looked real-no effort made to glam up-they seemed comfortable in their looks. And my fav Starbux was featured in Anna's hand frequently. If you like Project Runway and ANTM, you will really enjoy.
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