Although Lymelife tackles a familiar subject matter, namely unhappy and unfaithful suburbanites, it does so with both intelligence, and some excellent acting as well. Alec Baldwin shines as Mickey Bartlett, an affluent real estate developer married to Brenda, played by Jill Hennessy. Brenda is as miserable in her marriage as Mickey is insensitive. So insensitive that he decides to buy a new house and move the family in without even running it by his wife. The film takes place in 1979, and even by the less liberated standards of 30 years ago that was pretty uncool. Cynthia Nixon plays Mickey's assistant, and she's equally miserable as she's married to Charlie, played by Timothy Hutton, who had the misfortune to be bitten by a Lyme disease carrying deer tick. Charlie is now chronically ill, unemployed, and , emotionally paralyzed as a result. Kieran and Rory Culkin play Mickey and Brenda's two sons. Kieran is the tough guy and Rory the sensitive brother, and together they show what fine actors they have become as they segue into adult roles. All of the actors grow in their roles, and there are even some tinges of optimism throughout all of the misery. The film reminded me in some respects of Revolutionary Road, another fine film. As good as that film was I thought that this one was even better. Don't miss it.
Rating - 4 Stars
Liam Lives on in a Different Way
1 month ago
I have been trying to find where this is playing and I located it. Any movie with Alec Baldwin will be wonderful. And the seldom seen Timothy Hutton is another pleasant surprise.
it went away! where is it?
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